Things that start with the letter U include:
Things and acronyms that begin with the letter U include:
Some things that fly that begin with the letter U are:United Airlines airplaneUlysses butterflyUmbrella bird
Ukulele, umbrella, undershirt, unicycle, uniform and urn are objects. They begin with the letter u.
Ukulele, umbrella and unicycle are things that begin with the letter U. Undershirt, underwear and uniform also begin with the letter.
My favorite U.S. state is Utah. It begins with the letter U.
Ukulele, umbrella, undershirt, unicycle, uniform and urn are objects. They begin with the letter u.
Some things that fly that begin with the letter U are:United Airlines airplaneUlysses butterflyUmbrella bird
Ukulele, umbrella, undershirt, unicycle, uniform and urn are objects. They begin with the letter u.
Ukulele, umbrella and unicycle are things that begin with the letter U. Undershirt, underwear and uniform also begin with the letter.
Some things (nouns) that begin with U are:U-boatukuleleumbrellaumpireuncleunderwearunderwriterundertakerunguentunicornupshoturchinurgeurnuserusherUtahutensiluterusutopia
My favorite U.S. state is Utah. It begins with the letter U.
Uniformed policemen are found on the road. Uniform begins with the letter u.
Ukulele, umbrella, undershirt, unicycle, uniform and urn are objects. They begin with the letter u.
Non living things that begin with the letter u:undertowumbrellaultrasoundurnuncertaintyultimatumunderbrushupholsteryuraniumundercurrentundergroundundershirtunderstandingunderwearunicycleuniformudometerukuleleutensil
Do you mean the letter "U"? "You", provided in your question, is a word, not a letter. And by things, do you mean actual nouns, or just words that begin with the letter?
Some of the things that begin with the letter U in Latin are: Urna--jug, urbs--city, uxor--wife, umbra--shade,umbo--a boss or a round projection, uncus--a hook.
Ukulele, umbrella, undershirt, unicycle, uniform and urn are objects. They begin with the letter u.
adjectives that begin with the letter U areuglyunctuousunderratedundiplomaticunbelievableunstoppableurgentusefuluselessuncomfortableUltraUltraconservativeUltramarineUltramodernUmberUmbilicalUnitedUniversalUnjustUnkindUnknowingUnknownUnlawfulUnlikeUnlikelyUnluckyUnlimited