Atem the spirit of the Pharaoh also known as Yami died at the end of Yugioh Duel Monsters. In Yugioh 5ds all of the former main characters from Yugioh GX and Yugioh Duel Monsters are dead. (most likely by age)
Best place to watch any episodes of Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5D's, and Yugioh Zexal is at the website
Series after: yugioh 5'ds is yugioh Zexal.
Go to to check for updates when new tuornament on yugioh 5'ds be out.
yugioh zexal in Spring 2011
Yugioh the original , took place in normal time. Yugioh GX took place 10 years in the future. Yugioh 5D's, takes place 500 years in the future after Yugioh GX.
Atem the spirit of the Pharaoh also known as Yami died at the end of Yugioh Duel Monsters. In Yugioh 5ds all of the former main characters from Yugioh GX and Yugioh Duel Monsters are dead. (most likely by age)
puzzleshipping is a pairing from the anime Yugioh. the two characters paired together is yugi and yami.
No, you can only have GX characters
time has passed since the first yugioh series. for example:yugioh GX was made 10 yrs after the first one and yugioh 5d's...well i dunno how long it was after GX
Katie and Micah Sloat
If you're like me, and live in America, then you may never see Yugioh GX again. However, I heard that they're coming out with a Yugioh movie in Japan that will feature characters like Yugi, Jaden, and Yusei, so you'll have a chance to see your favorite characters again then.
no names can be up to 64 characters in length.
You need to complete all three parts with five different characters
Best place to watch any episodes of Yugioh, Yugioh GX, Yugioh 5D's, and Yugioh Zexal is at the website
does anyone know the names of the two new characters in shameless?