Love Love
Double Double
Chex Chex
Better Better
Than Than
The The
Rest Rest
Wheat Wheat
Rice Rice
Double Double
Crunch Crunch
Crackle Crackle
Crisp Crisp
Bite Bite
Munch Munch!
Words with double t's:atticattachattainattireattitudebatterybettingbrittlebarrettebuttressbetterbitterbottlebutterbuttonblottercattlecassettecommitteecluttercottoncuttingdittodiskettedinetteetiquetteflutterfritterfatterfetteredfittedglittergutterhitterhotterjitterykettleknittedknottedlittlelotterylettermattermattednettedotterpatternpattypattedpottingpotteryputterpettedrattlesettlestutterspattersputterspittingsplittingspottedswattedslottedscattertattleutterlyvettedwittedkittenlitterbatteredpatternsbetterbottompermitted
Some words with a double 'h' are:bathhousefishhookhitchhikerhighhandedroughhewnroughhouseshhwithhold
Some double N words are:announceannoyannexanniversaryantennaannualbandannabannerbanningbeginningbonnetbunnycanneryconnectcannibalcanningcannoncannulacayennechannelconnoteconnoisseurcunningdinnerdisconnectevennessfanningfennelflannelfunnelfunnygrannygrinninghennainninnateinnerinningjuliennekennelmannersmanningmannishmayonnaisenannyninnynunneryopennesspanningpennantpennypinnaclepinningplanningquestionnairereconnectroadrunnerrunningrunnyscanningskinnysonnetspinningstunningsunnytanningtennistunneltyrannyuncannyunnerveunnoticedwinningwinnowzinnia
Aardvark and eel are words. They begin with double letters.
words likeflammablerummagelummoxbummergrammarimmediateimmenseimmigrantimmortalimmobileimminentimmuneimmortalimmodestimmobilerecommendcommentsummerhammertrimmerdrummerstammersimmershimmerglimmer
Something about Chex Mix but I'm not sure.
The music in the Chex Mix decoy bag commercial is an old Italian song called "Piccolissima Serenata." This is not the one I was looking for; I wanted the music for the Chex Mix commercial which has a guy at a bus stop dancing.
I keep seeing a chex mix commercial that sounds like Mickey Dolenz, the drummer from the Monkees.
chex mix commerical, where can I buy the bowls that put in the microwave. There is green, yellow, i believe blue and red?
Rice chex show is always on the go! Rice chex show! Maxy and chexy always waiting to get eaten. Even salmon in somebody's body. Rice chex show! Rice chex show! Rice chex show! Rice chex show! Whoa! Rice chex show... Maxy and chexy(4 times). Rice chex show!
Chex was created in 1937.
I think you're thinking of Jack Plotnick, the nerdy pervert from Reno 911.
Yes. There is no gluten in corn or rice Chex, but there IS gluten in wheat Chex.
Well, there are corn chex, wheat chex, bread "sticks", pretzel's and then the toasted bread pieces.
Chex; Anyway you Want It!
Chex Quest was created in 1996.