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Some words that start with 'fic' are: ficus, fiction, and fickle.

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What are some root words for fic?

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What words with the root fic?


What is fic?

fic. means fiction

What does fic mean?

fic = "make" or "do"

What does the meaning of the prefix fic mean?

Are far as I can find out fic and fect are not root words. For the meaning of fact, just go to dictionary dot com and you can easily find the answer.

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What does the root word fac mean?

The latin root "fac- or fic-" all means "make/do." Some words containing this root are facile, factory, malefactor, manufacture, and artifact.

Does FIC stand for First National Computer?

No FIC does not stand for First National Computer but it can stand for many others things. Some terms that FIC might be an acronym for is First International Computer, Fogarty International Center, financial inventory control, fuel injector cleaner, and flight information center. What FIC represents in context will depend on the topic.

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Andrzej Fic has written: 'Drukarnia podziemna w Trojmiescie w latach wojny jaruzelsko-polskiej 1981-89'

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You read a fic about ash killing evil Pokemon like shooting a Gyarados in the eye and pikachu was black because ash was the master of shadow does anyone know the name of that fic?

The fic is called Pokemon Master and can be found here: Hope this helps! :D