Words with the suffix 'ous' are:
Words ending in ce: * ace * brace * bounce * chance * choice * dice * fleece * force * glance * mice * prince * race * source * trace * voice Words ending in ge: * age * bandage * bridge * badge * college * cage * courage * drudge * fudge * gage * hedge * huge * image * knowledge * lodge * page * ridge * sludge * siege * voyage Words ending with -able: * admirable * amiable * affable * believable * capable * deductible * erasable * flammable * guessable * laughable * lovable * miserable * pleasurable * reliable * valuable Words ending with -ous: * arduous * blasphemous * cautious * curious * dangerous * delicious * envious * furious * gracious * hilarious * joyous * luscious * malicious * marvelous * notorious * pious * obvious * righteous * serious * tremendous * tenuous * venomous
There are no English words that end with IQ.
There are no English words that end with the letters EJ.
Some words that end with NO are:albinoaminocasinodominoinfernojalapenokenokimonomaraschinomerinoneutrinonooreganopalominopianorhinosopranostenovolcanowino
dangerouscallouspioussuperfluousgloriouscredulousmarvellouswondroussomes tha that end in that are vigorous,disastrous,and furious but hope i can help
gorgeous strenuous superstitious famous nervous jealous tremendous
Words don't being with suffixes - by definition a suffix is at the end of a word. Ouster, superfluous.
superfluous, nausous, bulbous, all of em?
Words with the suffix "-ous" include these: glorious nervous wondrous atrocious contiguous garrulous obvious stupendous phosphorous ferrous carnivorous filamentous Not being Gratuitous, or Obnoxious nor Ungracious, there are thousands of Bodacious, Incongruous, Veracious and Voracious words.
The word unconscious, like other words ending in -ous, is an adjective.
The word glorious doesn't have a prefix. Prefixes are letters added tp the beginning of a word. It does have a suffix, -ous. Suffixes are letters added to the end of a word.suffix is -ful meaning full of.