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Toon Decks have a heavy reliance on the Continuous Spell Card Toon World. The Deck shatters if it is removed from the field. Another major problem concerning Toon World would be its massive Life Point costs. A noticeable disadvantage in most Toon Monsters would be its effect that restricts it from immediately attacking the turn it is Summoned (excluding Toon Dark Magician Girl).

For more information and weaknesses about Toon Decks, click on the "Related Link" below. If you have any questions then go to you tube and type in "yugioh" and it will show a scene showing Pegasus dueling Kaiba. Once you watch that you shall understand.

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Which deck is better joeys deck or pegasus's deck in Yu-Gi-Oh?

I honestly think Pegasus's deck would be better due to the face that Toon monsters can attack directly if your opponent does not control a Toon monster. It's only downfall is that for most Toon cards, you need Toon World on the field. To prevent Toon World's destruction, I suggest cards like Dark Bribe or Solemn Judgement or even (if you can get it on the field) White Dragon Ninja. I find that Pegasus's deck is better also because Joey's deck is based around cards with luck, and luck shouldn't be relied on all of the time in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Can you use Toon Table of Contents if you have no cards in your deck with the word Toon in the name?

You cannot activate a card that will 'do nothing', and you are also supposed to know the contents of your own deck. This goes for all search cards, if there is nothing left in deck for the card to add to your hand, then you can't activate the card.

What is a good Yu-Gi-Oh toon deck?

A Toon World Deck is soley dependent on the Continuous Spell Card Toon World. A "Cartoon Network" Deck, as it is dubbed, can be very competitive if the right cards are drawn at the right time. Because the cards so heavily rely on Toon Worldto gain their more beneficial effects, Players often utilize cards such as Magic Reflector and Dark Bribe. Toon Decks also are centered around their only "Class B" Toon, Toon Dark Magician Girl. It is usually either this card, or Toon World that is the "Trump Card" of the Deck.It is also highly recommended that Players always run three copies of Toon Table of Contents. This is considered to be the Deck's "Searcher Card". It is also not advised to run any copies of Manga Ryu-Ran, as it requires as many Tributes as Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, but with considerably less ATK.Since Toon Monsters are almost always sent to attack the opponent directly, they are very vulnerable to cards such as Mirror Force or Sakuretsu Armor. Therefore, it is recommended that Players add Royal Decree and Giant Trunade in the Deck.It is also helpful to add cards that gain Life Points, Solemn Wishes most notably. Solemn Wishes usually deals with the massive amounts of Life Point payments used by the Toon Monsters.Because most Toon Monsters are Special Summoned, this allows for the use of cards such as Dandylion and Scapegoat, as the card lore for Dandylion only states that "...the Tokens may not be used for a Tribute Summon in the same turn..." This implies that there are no restrictions for Toon Monsters, as they are Special Summoned.For more information and strategies concerning the Toon Deck, click on the "Related Link" below.

How do you be a good duelist?

make the best deck that covers damage, defense, and has no weakness

Can all Toon monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh attack directly?

There are two different "kinds" of Toon monsters that behave slightly differently. The newer Toon monsters state the following:While you control "Toon World" and your opponent controls no Toon Monsters, this card can attack your opponent directly.So as long as you control "Toon World", a Toon monster can attack your opponent directly even if they control monsters.However, the older Toon monsters and "Manga Ryu-Ran" state:This card can only be Special Summoned while you control "Toon World". ...When "Toon World" is destroyed, destroy this card. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent directly. If your opponent controls a face-up Toon Monster, you must select it as an attack target.Unlike the newer Toon monsters, these monsters can attack directly even if "Toon World" is not on the field. This is because if "Toon World" is removed from the field other than by being destroyed (returned to your hand, returned to your deck, etc.), your Toon monsters will not be destroyed as well. And since there is no requirement for "Toon World" to be activate so they can direct attack, they can do just that.

Should you combine your zombie and Gemini Yugioh deck?

depend on if the cards have effects that negate others (pot of greed vs. magic jammer) or if you have more then 60 cards after you combine it but over all its your choice cause if you completely suck then i would suggest you make a new deck like a toon deck or a god card deck but like i said it all you decision

Where can you watch the suite life on deck episodes?

Disney Channel or Toon Disney good place to watch them is: and all the vids are on one site!

Does nat have a toon in toon town?


What is the birth name of Neil Toon?

Neil Toon's birth name is Neil Paul Toon.

What is the birth name of Al Toon?

Al Toon's birth name is Albert Lee Toon Jr..

What is a toon task in toon town?

A Toon task is a job or mission u must do to get a prize and continue through the game. U can choose from 3 at the toon H.Q.

Can you set a toon monster when you don't have toon world?

Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon, Toon Mermaid, Toon Summoned Skull, Toon Dark Magician Girl and Manga Ryu-Ran cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. They can only be Special Summoned when Toon World is active - and this is face-up by default. So really, they cannot be Set at all, whether Toon World is active or not. Toon Gemini Elf, Masked Sorceror, Goblin Attack Force and Toon Cannon Soldier do not need Toon World on the field, nor are they special summon only, so they can be summoned or set without it being there.