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Good Samaritan, Charm Master, Most Improved, Adventurer, High Roller and 7-10 Split ( thats teh order left to right)

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Q: What are the very top row of trophies in Saints and Sinners Bowling?
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Can your Xbox work in another country?

It should work fine as long as you have the proper voltage converter (you can get one at radio shack for not to much) and plug shape converter, which is very important, Europe's plug shapes are mostly a circle with three circles like you would find on a bowling ball

What the advantages of PlayStation?

Free online play, Blu-ray Discs, exclusive content (Batman: Arkham Asylum, Red Dead Redemption), high rated exclusive games (Uncharted, Heavy Rain, LittleBigPlanet), no subscription needed to access all of the content (unlike Xbox 360), internet browser, trophies, it is very quiet, the hard drive is built in (costs more if you buy Xbox 360 and then have to buy a separate hard drive)

How do you evolve graveler in Pokemon Diamond?

sometimes you just level it up a lot and sometimes just battle with it a lot______________________________________________________________________WRONG!!!!!!!!!! THIS GUY IS LYING!!!!!!!!!!! You have to trade it. But who wants to do that! You won't even get it back! So............Step 1. go to the gts and put your graveler in for trade. Offer it for something random. (Like a level 1 Wigglytuff or something) Make it VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY hard to get.Step 2. make a random trade. (If you do not do this, then it will not work.)Step 3. If you offered your graveler for something VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY hard to get, then your graveler might still be there. (You'd be lucky enough) Take it out. It will now evolve right in front of you.There you go! 3 easy steps!You're welcome! ~ Pokegirl09

How rare are Pink Sheep in Minecraft?

Very very very very very very very rare. Maybe one in a hundred.

What do you do in subspace emissary after beating tabbu?

well, first of all, you need to go through all the doors in spaceship emissary. there are also trophies you need to collect (try doing the difficulty on very hard, or intense to get a trophey of the bosses). there are also three additional characters that you can unlock after beating tabuu. Jigglypuff, Toon link, and Wolf. to unlock these characters, you need to go through a special door. Wolf is in the level titled: the ruins, Toon Link is in The Forest (i think), and Jigglypuff is in The Swamp. after doing that, I think you'll get a 100% in subspace emissary. if not, then check for information. I think they have faq's for how to beat subspace emissary on 100%

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Are old trophies worth anything?

Best answer, it depends. If for instance you happen to have the Little League participation trophy given to Hank Aaron, you potentially have a very valuable item. But if you have Pete Peter's league champion bowling trophy from the Winn, Michigan Bowl A Rama, 1976, you have a paperweight.

What metals are trophies made from?

Trophies can be made out of anything you want. however, aluminum is a very reliable and trustworthy metal and it.......... oh crap.......... i have to do a poo... cya

Does PS3 have gamerscoore?

we do not have gamerscore but we have somthing very similar called trophies

Why does bowling ball and bowling pin must have a great deal of inertia?

Because there both very heavy

What do you do to get miniclip awards?

There are over 50 trophies for scoring very high on games.

Is bowling popular?

First answer:It is ranked number one as an indoor sportSecond Answer:Yes theres 52 million people who bowl a year or more.Third Answer:Bowling is the highest participated sport in the world. It is very popular in Asian and European countries, as well as the US.

Who invented the very first bowling ball?


Is God holy?

Yes god is very holy, and we being sinners can not look at him.

How do you drill a bowling ball for a left hander?

very carefully

What is a high performance bowling ball?

pretty sure Sagey is a good bowling ball, very high performance, i have two of them, there great.

What was made first baseball or bowling?

Bowling. obviously you could knock down frozen ferrets with walrus heads, and it isn't very complex.

What are the rules and regulation in bowling?

There is a very high number of bowling rules, for a list of these rules one can visit the Unites States Bowling Congress website and locate the rules there. is the name of the website.