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you need to go to a Nintendo event to get them are mix records with ruby or sapphire that have them. they are used for capturing mew,lugia,ho-oh,deoxys,etc. and the other lati@s that you didn't choose after you beat the elite 4

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Q: What are the tickets on Pokemon Emerald?
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How do you get tickets in Pokemon emerald?

What kind of tickets? Do u mean the ticket to battle frontier

How do you get all the tickets for special event Pokemon on Pokemon emerald?

GAME SHARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Pokemon Emerald how do you get all of the tickets?

The only way is Action Replay.

Were do you get the other tickets in Pokemon emerald?

where did you get your 1st one, well that's where!

How do you get the tickets in the Battle Frontier in Pokemon emerald version?

you get tickets in the battle frontier quest (why are you still playing pokemon you should be playing call of duty)

How do you find the tickets in Pokemon Emerald?

== == You can't anymore, as there aren't more Pokemon Events for older games.

How do you get leagendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald without tickets and maps?

Put it in you ds and use action replay

How do you get the tickets and charts without cheating and going to an event in Pokemon Emerald?

you can't

What ferry tickets can you get on Pokemon emerald?

you can get the s.s. tidal ticket from your dad after you beat the elite four.

Where is the Pokemon event?

Pokemon/Nintendo events are no longer being held for the GBA Pokemon games (Leafgreen/Firered,Emerald). The only way to get the tickets is with a gameshark

How do you find the tickets on emerald?

If you mean tickets like the ones needed to find certain rare pokemon, you're outta luck. They give those tickets away at Nintendo events. Sorry