every skeleton armor that I can think of is either in shadowfall shops or cant be gotten anymore. more are soon to come on halloween.
By checking the AQWorlds wiki and knowing how to get the "evil" armors.
first go to yulgar suggestion shop the look for arcanest robes and the shadow ghoul
There is a seasonal rare in the Mogloween shops called Vampire Armor. Also, if you gain enough Vampire Reputation, there are armors you can buy. (/join Safiria) There might be a chance that you have to run through all of the quests/map.
It is in the Evil Rep Shop located in Shadowfall (/join shadowfall). When you reach the map, go through the dragon (Fluffy) mouth and then the skeleton doorway on the left. There you will see a skeleton holding a spear and you will be able to buy it from the Evil Shop there if you're currently evil.
Kuro is the boss in the river in aqworlds.
Please check the link below for a full list of Non-member Armors in AQWorlds.
By checking the AQWorlds wiki and knowing how to get the "evil" armors.
You can only have one armor on at a time in AQWorlds. You cannot combine armors in AQWorlds.
first go to yulgar suggestion shop the look for arcanest robes and the shadow ghoul
Since amors in AQWorlds is just for looks, "best" would be a matter of personal taste. First, look through Yulgar's Suggestion Shop. This shop has a few non-member armors that are definitely an upgrade from the usual non-member stuff. Also, look for seasonal rares, which tend to look better than regular armors. The most important thing to remember about armors is to try to get matching capes, helms, and weapons.
Since amors in AQWorlds is just for looks, "best" would be a matter of personal taste. First, look through Yulgar's Suggestion Shop. This shop has a few non-member armors that are definitely an upgrade from the usual non-member stuff. Also, look for seasonal rares, which tend to look better than regular armors. The most important thing to remember about armors is to try to get matching capes, helms, and weapons.
Any armor in AdventureQuest Worlds looks great if you have the complete armor set (armor, cape, helm) and a matching weapon. Rare and hard-to-get armors tend to get the most attention. These include holiday/ special event armors, Milt's armors, and Dage's armor. Armors available in Yulgar's Suggestion Shop seem to be popular. The bottom line is: What do you like? Build an armor set around your own tastes and make sure your color-customize it to make it look really good.
There are hundreds of armors on aqworlds. A full list is available on the wiki. It can be accessed by viewing your character page and clicking the name of any item listed there.
There really isn't a "Best" armor in AQWorlds. The 'best' armor is a armor you really like and what you think is the best armor. You can check the AQWwiki and the list of armors, if you want to look through them. [http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/armors]
He drops Bone Axe, Skeleton Hand, Undead Plague Spear and Bone Dust.
Yes.The AC armors are the best cause AC is real money. And hidden shops like the miltionius shop or shops that have to be unlocked like the citadel shop.And reputation shops are good cause you must work towards getting a higher reputation.But for all of these kinds of shops you must work hard.
To get the skeleton character in AdventureQuest Worlds (AQW), you'll need to purchase the Skeletal Warrior armor from Itzachi in Battleon for 1200 ACs (Adventure Coins). Alternatively, you may also need to complete specific quests or events that award skeleton-themed items or armors.