She has not been released yet, but when she does she could have a secret code you put in when you log in, she could also be in a "Moshi Monster Mission."
nbody nowes yet but you might be able to find the code in the ultimate moshling colters gide book
Big Bad Bill Cutie Pie Oddie General Fuzuki Cleo Mini Ben Gigi Roxy Tingaling Gurgle ShiShi Burnie IGGY Scamp
you do grass seeds then flower seeds then the other flower seeds then water
No, you can plant the seeds in any order.
There is an infinite amount of seeds in minecraft.
You can not catch Tingaling with seeds. You have to complete a Super Moshi Mission to catch Tingaling.063 *Tingalingthe Kitten of Good Fortune [Luckies] Super Moshi Mission Season 2 Mission 5: The Curse of the Paw Wavin' Kitten
to get tingaling you need a special seed which is multicoloured and a black crazy daisy and a black snap apple. NAME: moshilyon09 add me.
Tingaling has not been released as a moshling. The Ultimate Moshling Collector's Guide 2 is coming out in June of 2012. The guide comes with a moshling code which is thought to be the code for Tingaling. Photos of Tingaling on a Mashup Card have been seen showing Tingaling as a white cat with black eyes and a bell around her neck.
You can not get Tingaling with seeds. You have to be a paid Moshi Member and complete a Super Moshi Mission.063 *Tingalingthe Kitten of Good Fortune [Luckies] Super Moshi Mission Season 2 Mission 5: The Curse of the Paw Wavin' Kitten
i think its : tingting tingaling
You will get Tingaling the moshling. Tingaling, #63. To get Tingaling you do season 2 mission 5.
nobody has tingaling on moshi monsters yet.
Well since no-one knows when Tingaling will be released on Moshi monsters then no-one knows the code for Tingaling. :-D
No one knows when Tingaling will be released or even if Tingaling will be released as a Moshling. Some thought that Tingaling was going to be Moshling 063, but 063 turned out to beTomba the Wishful Snowtot.
nobody konows yet but in the furter tingaling will come out
Tingaling has not been released as a moshling. Some thought that Tingaling was going to be Moshling 063, but 063 turned out to be Tomba the Wishful Snowtot. Photos of Tingaling on a Mashup Card have been seen showing Tingaling as a white cat with black eyes and a bell around her neck.
No one really knows for sure. Tingaling has not been released as a moshling. Some thought that Tingaling was going to be Moshling 063, but 063 turned out to be Tomba the Wishful Snowtot. Photos of Tingaling on a Mashup Card have been seen showing Tingaling as a white cat with black eyes and a bell around her neck.