The Dad has super strength,The mom is flexible and can turn her body into anything,the sister has a force field and can turn invisible, the older brother has super speed, and the younger brother who is just now Lear ing how to eat can turn into anything he wants to like metal man.
Because they made him like that. suck it up
There are 3 children in the incredibles family
Bob- strength helen- elasticity violet- invisibility and force fields dash- speed jack-jack-shapeshifting MINOR Frozone- freezing water or moisture Gazerbeam-energy blasts from his eyes
It is available for download for $5.99 from the Playstation Store and includes Retro, Frozone, Syndrome, Edna Mode, and The Incredibles costumes
super speed
Because they made him like that. suck it up
violets powers are invisabilaty to make her self not seen and force feild to block attakks.
stretching, invisibility, force fields, stregnth, shooting ice, etc...
Mirage does not have any "superpowers." She had assissted Syndrome, who didn't have "powers" either, in killing real "superheroes" though.
The Incredibles was created in 2003.
The Incredibles came out in 2004
The duration of The Incredibles is 1.92 hours.
A search og Google with the term, "The Incredibles" will provide an answer for you.
The Incredibles was released on 11/05/2004.
The Production Budget for The Incredibles was $92,000,000.
Velocipods are winged aircraft in The Incredibles Universe.