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heres some passwords

unlimited lives=spawner

start in room 4:pitfall

lose no rings when damaged: painless

start in room 5: boulder

play as the tails doll: puppet

start in room 6: fork

start in room 7: loop

play with 100% darkness: blind

start in room 8: drain

play tails ending sequence: dream

start in room 9: trap

start in room 10: doom

invincibility throughout the game: rampage

start in room 2: springs

start in room 3:spike

unlitited filght:propeller

start in room 1: maze

moon gravity:lunar

top speed increased:super

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Q: What are the passwords for the Tails Nightmare 2?
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What are all passwords for tails nightmare?

One of them is Doll it lets you go to the Tails Doll at the end

How do you unlock the achievement panic puppet on tails nightmare 2?

you have to beat tails nightmare as tails doll

Is there a tails nightmare part 2?

Yes, but it was released very recently. It's here:

Who else can you play as besides Tails in Tails Nightmare 2?

you can also play tails doll. (you need a password, which is something you can figure out yourself)

How do you beat tails doll in tails nightmare?

find secret holes boss battle 1 2 3 and 4 go to suddend death place without suddendeath mode on. codes for tails nightmare :super

How do you play as tails doll on tails nightmare 2?

No, but you can play as the tails doll, the password for that is puppet.

How do you kill the tails doll in tails nightmare?

chainsaw its head off

Are there any games about the tails doll?

There is an online game called tails nightmare and a sequel with the tails doll as the boss.

What are all passwords for tails'nightmare?

first checkpoint=first second checkpoint=second third checkpoint=third tails vs boss=doll ending clip=wake

Is there a game called tails doll's nightmare?

No but there is a cheat code called puppet that once you type it in codes tails becomes tails doll

What is the passwords for the game sonic vs knuckles?

sonic tails knux

Is Tails Nightmare 3 real?

yes until the tails doll is dead ther will be more. CaN YOU fEEl tHE sunSHine