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lawyer, doctor, veterinarian, computer programmer.

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Q: What are the occupations on The game of life?
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What occupations did they have during the life and times of jesus?

There were occupations for basic necessities. There was a need for carpenters, farmers, shepherds, shop owners, artisans, tax collectors, military, religious people, weavers - occupations of this sort existed.

What are some related occupations of computer game design?

Designing for CGI movies.

How many of these occupations no longer exist today in everyday life?

Sounds like an exam or homework question taken out of context. These occupations refers to a list somewhere before this question, and since you haven't listed the occupations, you're out of luck getting an answer here.

How many different occupations George Washington carver have during his life?

teacher, scientist, farmer, slave

What were Gandhi's occupations?

is occupations were to give India freedom.

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Similar occupations,

Where can you find a list of defined occupations for a life insurance quote? Page 11

Bill gates early life education hobbies occupations?

he loved to do graffiti went to newtown high and loves the ladies

What does Whitman catalog of occupations suggest about his vision of America?

Whitman's catalog of occupations in "Song of Myself" suggests his vision of America as a diverse and inclusive society where individuals from all walks of life contribute to the richness of the nation. By celebrating the various occupations and workers in America, Whitman highlights the interconnectedness and equality among all people in building the nation.

What are the top ten Louisiana occupations?

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When was Museum of Occupations created?

Museum of Occupations was created in 2003.

What are the main occupations of adivasis?

main occupations of adivasis