Currently, Minecraft's newest version for PC is 1.4.7
Mojang does not sell previous versions of Minecraft. If you have a Minecraft account, download a mod which allows you to play previous versions of the game.
1.4 is the newest of 11/5/12
Minecraft 1.16 came out April 29, 2015. The newest PS3 Minecraft update as of July 2016 is 1.31.
newest version is needed
Currently, Minecraft's newest version for PC is 1.4.7
Yes it does
There is only the newest version of minecraft,and it is 1.2.4.
Mojang does not sell previous versions of Minecraft. If you have a Minecraft account, download a mod which allows you to play previous versions of the game.
You can download "Minecraft Nostalgia" to downgrade versions of minecraft
Did you mean, "What are the NEW computers", or what are the NEWEST computers? If you did, Windows 7 & Windows Vista are the to newest versions of windows computers, unfortunately I don't know the newest versions of Mac and Linux. I hope I answered your question!
The different minecraft versions are incompatible.
As of the newest forge, no.
1.4 is the newest of 11/5/12
Minecraft 1.16 came out April 29, 2015. The newest PS3 Minecraft update as of July 2016 is 1.31.
newest version is needed
No. You cannot connect with other players with other versions.