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A Link to the Past and Minish Cap

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Q: What are the names of two cel shaded style Zelda games on GBA?
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What were the names of the two cel-shaded style Zelda games on Gba?

Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons

What are the names of two cel-shaded style zelda games on GBA?

oracle of ages and oracle of seasons ...have a good game...

Is there ever going to be a Zelda game with a toon epona?

Nintendo's approach to Zelda graphic styles these days is to make the handheld games toon style, or cel-shaded, and the console games realistic style. If there's ever going to be a toon Epona, it will probably be on a DS game. However, the DS games so far seem to favor the traditional top-down play view, the way the old 2D Zelda games were, in which the environments are divided into screens. This doesn't seem like the right kind of game environment for riding a horse, so it doesn't seem likely to me for there to be any Epona in these games. Of course, I never would have suspected Link to be a train engineer either, so I guess anything is possible.

How popular is Zelda wind waker?

Popular enough to have a rare case of Zelda direct sequals, with two games on the DS (urgh) following on directly from it; popular enough to have the designers re-use the cell shaded art style for Skyward Sword; popular enough for it to have a fan base with fanart and fanfiction, of which I am a part of; popular enough to still sell for 100 fricking quid on Amazon!

What is the name of the two cel shed style Zelda games on the gba?

Four Swords and The Minish Cap

What games in Nintendo are similar to Zelda?

My Sims and Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility are two games I would recommend if you like the Animal Crossing genre.

Who came up with the graphic style of The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker and who drew the concept art?

Eiji Aonuma, the director for all Zelda games after Majora's Mask, suggested using the then-new technology of cel-shading to the Zelda series's creator, Shigeru Miyamoto. I don't know who drew the art, however.

What is the most fun and longest Wii or GameCube Zelda game other than Twilight princess?

Wind Waker is amazing... some people have complained about the cell-shaded graphics (which I don't always like, but I absolutely loved in this game). The game-play is fantastic, the worlds are creative, the puzzles are classic Zelda-style. While it is a fairly long adventure, too, it also opens the door to its sequel, The Phantom Hourglass on DS...

What is Da Vinci's style technics in drawing?

He had a shading technic where he hatched and shaded and drew lines on it to show shading x

What are the most fun Zelda games?

This is really a matter of personal taste. Try a few different kinds of Zelda games, and see which ones you believe are the most fun!I would try one from each of the following sets; the games in each set share some specific similarities, including control style, overall gameplay style, gimmicks, game progression, etc.:The Legend of ZeldaThe Adventure of LinkA Link to the PastLink's AwakeningThe Minish CapOcarina of TimeThe Wind WakerTwilight PrincessSkyward SwordMajora's MaskOracle of AgesOracle of SeasonsFour SwordsFour Swords AdventuresPhantom HourglassSpirit Tracks

What kind of games are available on G9G?

There are several different types of games on the g9g website. They have action games, arcade style games, strategy games, sports games and fighting/combat style games.

What are some games like Zelda twilight princess?

On Wii I would recommend: Okami, Metroid Prime Trilogyand Mario Galaxy.I would also suggest you keep a look out for the next Zelda game which I think is planned to be released in late 2010.Okami is very similar to the Zelda games in many ways and I highly recommend it as a Twilight Princess-style game. It is probably the game most like a Zelda game without actually being one.Metroid Prime Trilogy is actually three full-length games combined (Metroid Prime 1 and 2 from the gamecube, and Metroid Prime 3). These games use a first-person perspective but retain much of the features of Zelda games. Wikipedia describes the Metroid series as:'combining the platforming of Super Mario Bros. and the exploration aspect of The Legend of Zelda with a decidedly darker atmosphere.'As a long-time fan of the Zelda series Metroid Prime Trilogy was a revelation. I now consider myself a die-hard Metroid fanatic.If you like long games this should be right up your street.Mario Galaxy is Zelda-ish insomuch as it is borrows many similar elements. There are lots of puzzles and interesting bosses. (Ok it's not nearly as Zelda-y as the other two but is a great game that should not be dismissed.)There are other options besides Wii games too (while still using the Wii console).Using the Wii it is possible to play Gamecube games. So I would recommend The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. (you will need a Gamecube controller and Memory card to play this game)Wind Waker is, like all Zelda games, very similar to all other Zelda games. The main difference from Twilight Princess would be the setting which is a very large, island-rich sea. But all the crucial elements remain intact.Virtual Console games can also be downloaded from the Wii Shop Channel. Of these I would recommend all the previous Zelda games available. For somebody transitioning from Twilight Princess I think a 3D game would be best. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are both excellent Nintendo 64 games available for download although they both represent quite a challenge compared to Twilight Princess (Especially Majora's Mask).I wouldn't attempt Majora's Mask unless you consider Twilight Princess to almost embarrassesingly easy. Majora's Mask is, however one of my favourite Zelda games, and if you're up to the challenge it is entirely worth the effort. Ocarina of Time is truly excellent and a must-play for any Zelda fan.Link to the Past (SNES) is older than those and really sets the precedent for all following Zelda games. I wouldn't recommend any earlier games (not because they are bad (because they're not) but because they are largely outclassed by Link to the Past.) Link to the Past uses a top-down perspective so is quite different but certainly not unpleasant.There are also two Zelda games on Nintendo DS: Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. I haven't played Spirit Tracks but I found Phantom Hourglass to be a good game for beginners. If you already have a DS then it is worth taking a look at those games.