Comet, Cupid, Vixen (which is the only female out of all of them), Dancer, Prancer, Blitzen, Dasher, Donder(or Donner), and Rudolph.
I'm not sure but I think you have to get six santas on the platform
Well, first there is a teeter totter under a small vertical platform. You should shoot to about 8 - 10 Santas to the left of the vertical platform, but you can do as much as you want. Then should to the right of the vertical platform and just keep shooting until you get a Santas through that small tunnel space and into the chimney.
Yes Santa's 2 Reindeer were named Dunder but The other Reinderr's name was "Blitzen"
Mames Babegenush was created in 2004.
no mames! no mahmes
no mames
no mames guey
If you mean "no mames", it is not a bad word.
prokaryatics is one
Apostolos Santas died in 2011.
Santas Martas's population is 952.
Águas Santas's population is 31,000.
6 santas
nambe, no mames, te va dar chorro