The item id for diamond in 1.3.1 is 264. If you want to see all data values and ids in Minecraft go to the link below.
Unless you mess with the game files, you can't change the ID of items. However, you can change the item names by placing the item in the anvil and naming it to whatever you want.
Sugarcane has 2 data values (IDs) on the PC edition of Minecraft, a block data value, and an item data value. The data value for the block is 83, while the data value for the item is 338.
The ID for bones in Minecraft is 352.All IDs can be found at the link in the Related Links section.
The way to have the best chances really is just to trade with a lot of different people.GTS can get you a lot of different trainer ids which will give you the best chance of matching one of the ids with the drawn number.
Minecraft's Item ID's can be found on Minecraft Wiki. Link in related links.
The item id for diamond in 1.3.1 is 264. If you want to see all data values and ids in Minecraft go to the link below.
Unless you mess with the game files, you can't change the ID of items. However, you can change the item names by placing the item in the anvil and naming it to whatever you want.
Sugarcane has 2 data values (IDs) on the PC edition of Minecraft, a block data value, and an item data value. The data value for the block is 83, while the data value for the item is 338.
Go to For all Item Id's
A area or vista of the Luna landscape
You can only type on multi-player
The ID for bones in Minecraft is 352.All IDs can be found at the link in the Related Links section.
The link is under "Sources and related links" below this answer.
garys id 9007
You can get them with cheat engine.
Using Club Penguin hacking programs you can put ids to get old stuff for free and when you type in the ID for the item is sometimes says PATCHED and you can't get the selected item.