Example sentence - Amanda was cited by the game warden for fishing without a license.
A game warden does not have more authority than the president. The president is the highest authority in a country.
around 56 dollars.
A game warden rescues animals and they arrest people. =^..^=If working for the Wildlife Division, they are assigned a WMA that they manage. Management duties include but are not limited to planting food plots, patrolling campsites for violators, maintaining roads throughout the WMA and working hunts on the WMA. Also tagging bear, deer, checking hunting and fishing license, when on call answer pages about complaints dealing with bear, deer, and other wildlife animals. For the record just because you see a bear walk across your backyard a game warden will not come out to your property to trap the bear. If the bear is a nuisance, damaging property then a warden will come out and assess the area to make sure that the person complaining is not attracting the bear with food, pet food or bird seeds. If you are leaving these things out and attracting wildlife and you don't correct the issue tickets can be written which is another duty of a game warden.
The safari zone warden is in his house in the safari. he is the warden of zone 3.
The Texas Game Warden Academy is located in Hamilton, Texas.
Game Warden
Colleges are not elegible to become Game Wardens. Rephrase your question.
In Texas you have to have a bachelors degree (4 year college degree) in order to become a Game Warden. I imagine it's about the same every where else.
He is no longer a game warden, but was formerly a game warden in Armstrong County in Western Pennsylvania.
The duration of Warden of the Dead is 1.75 hours.
Operation Game Warden happened on 1965-12-18.
A warden could be a prison warden: a person in charge of a game reserve; a Youth Hostel Warden, and so on.
The cast of The Game Warden - 1913 includes: Earle Foxe as Heck Thompson - a Mountaineer Stuart Holmes as The Game Warden
what is the salary of a game warden in ms22,000 as a cadet then 28,000 after training is complete
No, it is not. It is a noun, and may be used with adjuncts (game warden).