It's pretty much up to your opinion. In most ways they are 'evenly matched' in the games, but in reality, Shadow technically is more powerful. Sonic just has speed going for him. Shadow on the other hand has: -Speed matching Sonic -Chaos Control *with only needing one chaos emerald mind you. Sonic can only do it when Super Sonic* -Chaos Control abilities like Chaos Spear, Chaos Blast, etc -Agility -And as far as we know Shadow doesn't run out of stamina as quickly as Sonic does. So again it's kinda up to you. They are 'evenly matched' in most ways, but Shadow does have more abilities end of story xP
Oh my gosh they were all hard but the ones that were EXTREMELY hard would have to be... Secret of the Scarlet Hand Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake Danger on Deception Island The Haunting of Castle Malloy The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Treasure in the Royal Tower Shadow at the Water's Edge
crazy hand is better in melee, master hand is better in brawl
The lowest hand ranking in poker is a high card hand, where the player's hand does not form any specific combination and the highest card in their hand determines the ranking.
No, in Texas Hold'em, a 3 of a kind hand beats a 2 pairs hand.
I can tell you that there's 12 hand signs they must be made correctly and in order or else the jutsu will have a different effect. The hand sign each represent a Zodiac Animal from each year such as being born in the year of the tiger or in 1998. Sorry to bore you with the long speech by the way. ^.^ My answer: Basically, as whoever answered the question stated, there are 12 different hand signs. Combine them to get different jutsus. E.G. For shadow clone jutsu you would use -> ram-serpent-tiger To do the different hand signs, look at these pictures. go to To know the different combination of hand signs you will need to create the jutsu you want go to There you go!! :D
because its nit just an attack its a jutsu
DragonRatMonkeyHorseTigerRoosterOxRabbitRam (Sheep)BirdDogPigThese are the 12 hand seals, which correspond to the Chinese years.There are also some more special ones:Hand Clap (usually found in powerful secret or forbidden jutsu, also with jutsu that has something to do with the soul).Cross Fingers (found in Shadow Clone jutsu)Weird Cross Fingers? (the handseal which is done on secret techniques, found in Orochimaru's Curse Mark jutsu or on Haku's Demon Ice Mirrors jutsu.
It only happens once. Sometime in the game there is a mission scroll(blue scroll) replacing Jirayia's picture. Go to him and talk to him to learn a new jutsu. It is the summoning jutsu. You can't use the summoning jutsu in battle or the game. It happens so you can continue your story. To learn it you perform hand signs that are given.
there is no hand seal its a well its ep 7 around 15:52 - 15:58 and it called mist concealment
Type your answer here... the oppisite of jutsu
U gotta Learn The Hand signs FaSt... i know the jutsus but if u concentrated u will get it faster
the seals for the summong jutsu are in order: dog, boar, monkey, bird, sheep
the summoning jutsu is I, INU, TORI, SARU, HITSUJI..........(BOAR,DOG, BIRD, MONKEY,SHEEP).....if u want the pictures of the hand signs try these links.........
Ofcourse. Anyone who's indeed, a naruto fan, can do the fire-style, fire ball jutsu. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Sure you can! Here's a link with all the hand signs in Naruto: To make it, you do it in this order: Serpent, Ram, Monkey, Boar, Horse, and Tiger. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
Swift kick in the ass no jutsu. Something Sasuke could have suffered a few times.--I would make this jutsu. It's called Nentou Etsudoku no jutsu (Mind reading art) but maybe that wouldn't be perfect enough, so maybe it should be Dou Tanshinfunin no jutsu (Body Transfer art) that's like Mind Transfer jutsu, but only more sustained. I precapture my opponent with a Kage Chuubuu no jutsu (Shadow Paralysis art or Shadow Posession art). Then I would transfer my body's spirit into the captive and finally we switch bodies, and it enables me to acess his jutsus since I was able to switch spirits with him.-- KAMEHAMEHA is the only jutsu anybody needs.-- i would make a jutsu called brazengan its a blend of the sharingan and the byakugan it sees like the byakugan and looks like the sharingan-- i would make a jutsu called ice breath or something like that. It can freeze people in their tracks and can only be melted by the fire ball jutsu-- Since Rasengan is based solely on chakra shape manipulation, I'd make the other 4 elemental type Rasens: Fuuton: Rasenshuriken (Spiraling Shuriken), Doton: Rasenterra(Spiraling Earth), Katon: Rasensan (Spiraling Sun), Suiton: Rasentrunami (Spiraling Tsunami), Raiton Rasenchidori (A Thousand Spiraling Birds).And finally, 5 elemental combination (possible only with Yonbi or Gobi, which has 4 or 5 elemental types), Niji Rasengan (Rainbow Spiraling Sphere). ;-)-- i would make a jutsu called 8 trigrams shikaku shadowrasendori. it would allow you to use the shadow possession jutsu, followed by, what would be the same color as the "shadow ball" from Pokemon. but it was a combo of chidori, rasengan, shaped like that sand tsunami that Garra can use but as the "waves" come down they turn into giant hands that hit them 128 times like Neji does when he uses his "8 Trigrams, 128 Palms" (It's the same as "8 Trigrams, 64 Palms" but in stead of stopping with 64 hits, he doubles the 64 to 128 to completely block all of the chakra points)--I would make a jutsu called Yoruyukihanon-no-jutsu. It would create flower petals out of ice that acted like daggers, there would be black flames (imagine amateratsu) that came off the end, so if the dagger doesn't kill the victem the flames would comepletly engulf them, it would be a chunin level jutsu.AnswerHakai no Jutsu! A Jutsu that sends a volt of Chakra through the enemie's body and destroys there inner organs. A Destruction Jutsu that is only to be used as a last resort. Naturally my favorite. But if I was to use a Jutsu every day it would be Taijutsu and Genjutsu. Munipulating water with my Kekegenkai (hope that's how you spell it...probably not). But Hakai no Jutsu is mine! lol! -- I would make a jutsu called Rasenbarrage. I would create 1,000,000 Rasengans, gather them together as a little energy ball, and burst them out together at the same time.goochi na raru no jutsu(bad joke jutsu):-)deflectbarrage this jutsu absorbs any kind of attack then blasting it back with your chakra and your enemy's chakra compressed in to one. then multiplying it to more than 10 copys of the attack and then BOOOOOOOOOOM they all die :)Mangekyou sharingan so that naruto can control the Kyuubi...The Moon's eye would be the best Solution..--I would make a jutsu called Tsuki Inazuma (Moon Lightning) The user would sendChakra into their hand to create dark lightning in the their hand. It can be used tochange the shape of things like blades or an enlarged fist. It is at full power duringa full moon but is still a powerful jutsu even during the day--I would create Signs no Jutsu, which my friends and I use. It's been invented, but one of my friends named it. Signs no Justu is flipping you off, wihtout actually moving your hand. We just say it to someone who doesn't know what it is, and laugh.
fire ball jutsu water dragon jutsu sexy jutsu This is just animation.want to know about the real jutsus keep searching! Katon housenka no jutsuourioke no jutsu fushi tensei edo tenseiraikiri\chidori I can't name them all (there are a lot of hand siels )