The basic idea of the game is too get to retirement with the most money. At the start of the game you need to choose someone to be the banker which is someone who deals with everyone's money then you choose your car and your piece weather it be blue or pink. Then you either start collage or a job you pick a job then a salarey card don't for get to get car insurence. then you spin to see who goes first along the game you will get married get a house maybe have children. Also don't forget to get house insurance along the way and you may have a chance to start a new job, switch salaery cards with any player if you wanted too. You will also collect life tiles which also add up to your amount. you may also take out bank loans and get stocks which are helpful when someone spins your number you autimatically get money. the person with the most money wins the game. There is also the game of life on the computer too. I hope this helps
All monopoly games have the same instructions
The game of life was created in 1860. The checkered game of life is the original name of this game. This game was created by Milton Bradley in Springfield, Massachusetts.
You can find the instructions for the Spy Kids Mission Master board game inside the original packaging. Alternatively, they can be downloaded directly from the manufacturer's website.
if you are asking is there a Spongebob game of life then yes there is
I can't help unless i know which game you have. But i presume read the in-game tutorials and go from there.
put the disc to the game in, and follow the instructions on screen.
Im pretty sure you go to options and press Restart game
No. Bad instructions.
Originally the instructions should of came with the game if not go online to the website for the company it was made from and the instructions should be on there
A substance called DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) contains the instructions for life.
you read the instructions that goes with the game
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) contains the instructions for life. DNA is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions necessary for the growth, development, functioning, and reproduction of all living organisms.
All monopoly games have the same instructions
You can find the instructions on Search for how to play electronic yahtzee
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