

Best Answer

Heroup! for hulk buster Iron Man and 1 week membership MAMAROSAS for tuxedo thing and 1 week membership and SUPERHERO for I think 2 week member ship and yes,you do have to put exclamation point for heroup and HAS to be capital got it? :) your welcome

P.S. if you want to be friends with me my name is General Clever Surfer and my brothers is Skimming Humming Soul I will only accept your friend request if U have membership and show me you have another character than the first 4 U get but not agent only only silver surfer jean grey and the other characters that cost gold (yes I know slvr srfr and jn grey are silver) oh and the characters I am most likely to play i storm I just got her 2 days ago and I also might play as black suit spiderman I am planning to get jean grey and Classic Thor good day. :)

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Q: What are the free codes for the Super Hero Squad online game?
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Marvel Super Hero Squad Online happened in 2011.

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Marvel Super Hero Squad Online was created on 2011-04-29.

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If you mean super hero squad online, then he is already available.

When was Marvel Super Hero Squad created?

Marvel Super Hero Squad Online was created on 2011-04-29.

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you have to get a super hero serum and pick daredevil

Is there any marvel Super Hero Squad online get gold cheat codes?

yes there is its sumr it gives you 250 gold

How do you get on to marvel super hero squad?

type in marvel super hero squad online but betta ends sunday 27th 2011

When is Super Hero Squad online coming out?

You can get from the challenges