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i know space is letter a then esc is letter b

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Q: What are the controls for Pokemon raptor?
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How do you get a moon stone in Pokemon Raptor?

There is no moon stone in POkemon raptor or pokemon raptor ex

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Where can you download Pokemon raptor for Visual Boy Advance?

no such thing . .

How do you get a SS ticket in Pokemon raptor?

i dont know D:

Where to find surf in Pokemon raptor ex?

Freezday city

Pokemon who can controls time and space?

the Pokemon who controls space is palkia which u can only obtain in Pokemon pearl and the Pokemon which controls time is dialga which u can only get in Pokemon diamond and in Pokemon platinum u can get both ledgendaires... hope this helped :]

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this is not a Pokemon question

How cheat rare candy in Pokemon raptor ex?

As of May 2014, it is not possible to cheat for rare candy on Pok_mon Raptor Ex. A person must earn or trade for rate candy.

What do you think of new Pokemon generation idea One where you get Pokemon that controls atmosphere and one that controls Earth geology etc?


Where to find strength in Pokemon raptor ex?

you can find it through normal gameplay, you shouldn't need to ask

How can you adjust the window size of pokemon raptor?

1) Start up Pokemon Raptor 2) On the start menu go to options 3) In the options go where it says screen size 4) Use your arrow keys to select your desired screen size Hope this helps!

What actors and actresses appeared in Raptor Raptor - 2013?

The cast of Raptor Raptor - 2013 includes: Brandon Alexander III as Raptor Haley Mancini as Raptor