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* Dragon * Dope * Heron, Herone, Hero, Hera, H, Big H * White, China White, White Nurse, White Lady, White Horse, White Girl, White Boy, White Stuff * Boy, He * Black, Black Tar, Black Pearl, Black Stuff, Black Eagle * Brown, Brown Crystal, Brown Sugar, Brown Tape, Brown Rhine * Chiba, Chiva, Chieva * Mexican Brown, Mexican Mud, Mexican Horse * Junk, Tar * Snow, Snowball * Smack, Scag, Scat, Sack, Skunk * Number 3, Number 4, Number 8

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Q: What are the common street names for heroin?
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Brown sugar and heroin?

Brown sugar is a street name for the drug heroin. There are several street names for heroin. Some of them are smack, junk, chiba, chiva, tar, H, skag, and China white.

What does the street name of drugs called a cocktail mean?

Depending on the coctail the names change. Heroin and coke is called a speedball, heroin and meth is a goof ball. Street names change from place to place and drug to drug.

Is there a drug called H?

"H" is common street term for Heroin.

What are street names of heroin?

Dope, smack, H, heron, dust, sh*t. In reference to getting a single bag of heroin, just saying bags is common, and I've heard "slices" used before, as in "how many slices you need?". There's several other nicknames, depending on different areas it can be found in, and there are names for heroin and combinations of other drugs, such as "speedball" for cocaine and heroin.

What are the street names of Oxycontin?

Oxy. OC's, and Hillbilly Heroin are among the street names. Some people simply call it by it's strength as well....such as " I'm going to go buy an 80".

Is Logan Street common or proper?

"Logan Street" is a proper noun because it specifically names a particular street. Common nouns refer to general objects or concepts.

Is morphine a street drug?

A couple of the most common "street names" for morphine are "Morph", and "Miss Emma", or just "Emma" (Heroin is also called "Emma", but Heroin and Morphine are very closely related, so the name is almost interchangeable in some areas).

What street drugs affect sugar levels?


What will antidrug policy which reduces the supply of heroin do to street crime?

increase street crime

Is the word Heroin capitalized -?

No. As heroin is a common noun, the first letter is only capitalized if it is at the beginning of a sentence or part of a title.

What are the street names of mescaline?

messness insane clane and buttons are common messness insane clane and buttons are common

What does the illegal drug street name smack mean?
