You can find codes publicly in and
You can't hack into Free Rider 2 unless you have the game file.
You don't need to download free rider 2 just click below link to play it online.
There are virtually no places you can get Bella Sara cards for free, but Young Rider Magazine should have them, and is recommended.
You go to
You can't hack free rider 2 just search free rider 2 cheat codes but if you want an even better free rider search free rider 2 new vehicles
Search for Free Rider 2 on
Free Rider and Free Rider 2 were created by Pete.
You do not download free rider 1 or 2... you go to and play it there.
type in google: free rider 2 not blocked at school :)
You can't hack into Free Rider 2 unless you have the game file.
u go to free rider 2 (duh) then you go to the options on the right side and you see an icon that looks like a folder then you click and do your bogas stuff. by the way the cheat codes are just a bunch of fake stuff
Contact Helmertz from FR2DB/Canvas Rider and if you want the code. You will have to go the forums to find out contact information. Although, I will highly doubt that he will simply give away the code to you.
You don't need to download free rider 2 just click below link to play it online.
There are virtually no places you can get Bella Sara cards for free, but Young Rider Magazine should have them, and is recommended.
There are several Free Rider 2 tracks with big jumps on various websites, such as FR2DB.FR,, and