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there ar'ent any

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Q: What are the cheats for club penguin cardjitsu cards?
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Where is the codes to upload new cards on a Club Penguin?

To get more cardjitsu cards I'm afraid the only way is to buy a pack of cardjitsu cards from shops like WHSmith or Morrisons. In each pack will be a code that will give you 3 or 4 cardjitsu card in your online deck.

Senseis password on club penguin?


Can you do the same code again on cardjitsu club penguin?

sorry but no

Does anybody have a unused cardjitsu code for club penguin cause you cant defeat sensei with my normal cards?

I have but i hardly ever login anymore...

How do you get power cards on clubpenguincom?

I will tell you club penguin fans out there, GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! no get cardjitsu cards at places like toys r us and coles every code of cardjitsu unlocks one strong card ( 9 to 12) the wavy ones so every time you buy a pack there 3 packs in one pack of cardjitsu cards so you get like 3 power cards per pack

How do you get snow cardjitsu on club penguin?

Snow card jitsu is not released. Currently, this is impossible.

How do you win sensei with normal cardjitsu cards on club penguin?

You have to get the black belt and then wear it while playing against the Sensei then you will win against him all with the same amount of cards you had in the starter pack. Hope this Helped. My name on Club Penguin is SuperJosh635

Cheats on Club penguin on the internet?

If you go on google and type in club penguin cheats it will come up with loads of cheats on club penguin but rememmber that some websites cheats are wrong and some times if you get it wrong you will be deleted off club penguin

How do you get to a Club Penguin cheats page?

in your search engine type 'Club penguin cheats' and you can choose out of some club penguin cheat pages

Club Penguin coin cheats?

There are no cheats to club penguin. Results of trying to could ban the account

Club Penguin cheats 1000000?

# there are no cheats for it

How do you get to Herbet on Club Penguin?

Sreach club penguin cheats in google.