While pitching, hold A for a screw ball, hold B for a curve ball, or hold A + B for a splitter.
Read more: http://www.cheatcc.com/wii/wiisportscheatscodes.html#ixzz1Cjp5OjpM
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
While pitching, flick your wrist as if you were throwing a curveball and you will throw a hard fastball.
Read more: http://www.cheatcc.com/wii/wiisportscheatscodes.html#ixzz1CjpDK0EB
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives
There are no cheat codes.
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Yes and if you go to cheats.com you can find them all.
give me a code for ice age dawn of the dinosaurs cheats codes
there are no invesable cheat codes watever There's codes... And that's not how you spell "Invincibal"... I think I spelled that wrong...
There are no cheats for Wii sports
The cheat menu but I have the Wii
There are no cheat codes.
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Smack Down vs Raw 2010 on the game format wii does not have cheat codes sorry
No there are no codes
Do you have cheat codes unlock the shadow mk lla in hot wheels wii game
There are no codes or any way to cheat in it.
you can't
go on ask cheats