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(muito) makes your opponents harder and gives you 5 credits each match

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Q: What are the capoeira fighter 3 cheats?
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Capoeira Fighter 3

How change character in capoeira fighter 3 to player?

press "s" "s" immediately.

How do you tag in capoeira fighter 3?

to tag in capoeira fighter 3 we should press the ducking button(down button)twice,but before tagging we should hit approximately one time to the opponent so the light near our stamina and health will become green

Cheats in capoeira fighter 3 especially the credits?

ENTER To password Main And Type uber= the best strength Macumba= good regeneration skill rapido= extra speed all in vs mode vide= ? muito= Hard level

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Who is Eddy Gordo?

Eddy is a Capoeira fighter, as the apprentice of Christie Monteiro's grandfather, he also teaches Christie Capoeira as well, as her grandfather dies of an unknown reason

Cheats for street fighter 4?

Sorry, there are no cheats!

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all cheats of pocket_fighter_nova

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Where can you play capoeira fighter 3 online full version?

Google it and type in gamefz or or cap fighter 3, doesn't make a difference.Then go to fighting games and look at all of them until you find a game called Cap Fighter 3 click on it and you got it, it gives you arcade/story mode, all characters for free and 99,999 credits to unlock everything at once

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