There is no real ''best move'' because of the ginseng effect of powering up moves. But the strongest base power moves are most likely blast burn frenzy plant hydro cannon zap cannon and hyper beam
Has to be Blue, In my opinion.
Basically what i do is go onto google, type in "Wondermail codes for the joy seed" and then i click on link, it has the best cheats for wondermail
1. Your starter 2. Your partner 3. Kecleon or any other starter.
yes, the best Pokemon to do this is the sheep one with the fangs that come out when it has to take a bowel movement
Pokemon sapphire for starters but on the main Pokemon Diamond and pearl Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky is.
Has to be Blue, In my opinion.
Metagross, Flygon :x in my opinion.
A blue gummi is a food item in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon that increases your IQ. It works best for Water-type Pokemon.
fire blast smokescreen focus punch protect giga drain bullet seed body slam razor leaf
I got pretty far with mudkip and charmander.
It is raquaza and it is really hard to make it join
a water type move
i found that starting with cubone and having a grass starter is the best way to beat any dungeon
In the makuhita dojo, go fight team hydro. i did this many times and eventually got to level 100.
Finish the whole Ho-Oh plot, then go to Suicune's dungeon and defeat it. 99.9% of the time it will ask to join your team