the best moves for gyrados are rain dance, hydro pump, earthquake, and thunder
Ground moves don't effect any flying types and gyrados is a water flying type so it will not work on gyrados.
Electric and rock type moves that I know of.
Here are the moves magikarp can learn. Any level - Splash Level 15 - Tackle Level 30 - Flail Evolves into gyrados at level 20
well... gyrados is best of course.
Without legendaries or trading: Blaziken Walrein Flygon Altaria (with the right moves and defenses) Ludicolo Gardevoir Milotic, Salamence, and Gyrados are also great choices but Gyrados isn’t right for the most well-rounded team and the grind for Milotic and Salamence are absolutely ridiculous—but if you’re willing to grind for them, they’re so worth it.
Ground moves don't effect any flying types and gyrados is a water flying type so it will not work on gyrados.
probably surf,hydro pump,crunch,and maybe dragon rage depending on how far you are in the game
Electric and rock type moves that I know of.
there is no good Pokemon and bad Pokemon its just the way You level it up and what moves it knows /execpt Magikarp they cant learn moves but Gyrados is worth it at the end.
I reckon Probably lapras or Gyrados, But i am not ceartain, The strongest water Legendary is suicune i know that (depending on taught moves)
Gyrados maybe.
your best chance is to get it at night (19:00 on your pokedex)
it can learn dragon fang,shadow crunch,water mirror,dragon tail
I would say no the Pokemon are good but the team is not. If you were to have Feraligtr as a starter then Gyrados I think you should have Machamp or Ninetails.
Here are the moves magikarp can learn. Any level - Splash Level 15 - Tackle Level 30 - Flail Evolves into gyrados at level 20
Blastoise, Starmie and Gyrados!