for the 1st one u need fighting types like hariyama or a Pokemon whick knows a fighting move like blaziken then for the second one u need a psycic type or any Pokemon which knows a psycic attack.. for the third one u need electric (for walrein and the sealeo) and fire types(for the glalies) the for the 4th one u need an ice type or a dragon Pokemon which knows ice beam like altaria then for the last one, he'd be easy for u to beat if your starter is torchick but if not get a torkoal and level it up until it knows heat wave and use him to beat the steel type.
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my Pokemon was
1. camerupt lvl 61
- earthquake
- eruption
- fissure
- rock slide
2. sceptile lvl 62
- leaf blade
- cut
- earthquake
- solarbeam
3. hariyama lvl 60
- smellingsalt
- bellydrum
- vital throw
- earthquake
4. altaria lvl 65
- wing attack
- dragon breath
- fly
- dragon rage
5. gardevoir lvl 62
- phychic
- calm mind
- confusion
- shadow ball
6. tentacruel lvl 63
- surf
- acid
- wrap
- supersonic
red or the elite four if you beat red the elite four Pokemon will be jacked up or red again after you beat the elite four his Pokemon are the same levels as before
Its best if you have 1 fire Pokemon and 1 ground Pokemon.
You then have to beat Cynthia
You wait until you beat the elite four and professor Elm will give it to you when you beat the elite four.
you beat the elite four