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Q: What are the Words that start with j but sounds like h?
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What words begin with J that sounds like h as in jalapeno?

The words that are of Spanish origin. In Spanish the J is pronounced as H is in English. There are FAR too many to list.

Vegetables that start with h?

A vegetable that starts with h would be horseradish. That is the only vegetable that I can find that begins with the letter h.

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Names like Amia and stuff like that?

Is neither an indefinite article?

No, "neither" is usually a conjunction and followed by "nor". Neither David nor Sarah is coming to the party."A" and "an" are indefinite articles. "A" comes before singular words that start with a consonant sound -- a cookie, a book, a user (the "u" sounds like a "y"). "An" comes before singular words that start with vowel sounds -- an apple, an umbrella, an hour (the "h" is silent).

What are some healthy words that start with the letter h?

Some healthy words that start with H are:helpfulnessH2Ohobbieshand washinghopehappiness (smile)

What is Jaime in Spanish?

its Jaime but the j sounds like and h and i together so it sounds like hime

What words begin with J that sounds like h?

This would happen with English words that are borrowed from Spanish. The first one that pops into my head is "jalapeno"...jai alai..Jose...

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Horse and house are two examples of words that start with h and end with e.

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