Shows. Like, for example: Let's replace series with show/episode. Pokemon episode or show. It's the show! You know, Ash Brock.
pokemon mystery dungeon series
The anime series "Pokemon" was written by Takeshi Shudo, Hideki Sonoda and Junki Takegami .
In the old Pokemon series, there were 151 but now there is over 300!
The only series of Pokemon that was worth watching was the first three series (Pokemon, Pokemon Master Quest, Pokemon Johto) the rest are lame and filled with Mary sues and Gary Stus
The next series is called pokemon black and white
drew is in pokemon episode 324 series 3
Pokemon is a cartoon, a computer game series, and a collector's card series.
There is a series of Pokemon childrens' books based on the television series. I believe the series is authored by Tracy West.
You can't trade between the Ranger series and the regular series.
downlaod the emulator VBA and download the roms of the GBA Pokemon Series
Pokemon platineum
Mew two is a Pokemon from the series "Pokemon."
pokemon mystery dungeon series
no. pokemon rumble blast for 3DS does.