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The bosses in Metal Gear Solid for the PlayStation are as follows:

Revolver Ocelot

Tank (controlled by Vulcan Raven and two Genome Soldiers)

Cyborg Ninja (Gray Fox)

Psycho Mantis

Sniper Wolf (Underground Passage)

Hind D (piloted by Liquid Snake and one Genome Soldier)

Sniper Wolf (Snowfield)

Vulcan Raven

Metal Gear REX (piloted by Liquid Snake)

Liquid Snake

The bosses in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriotsfor the PlayStation 3 are as follows:

Laughing Octopus (Act Two)

Raging Raven (Act Three)

Crying Wolf (Act Four)

Vamp (Act Four)

Metal Gear RAY (Act Four)

Screaming Mantis (Act Five)

Liquid Ocelot (Act Five)

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if solid snake ( MGS1 , MG2 , MGS4 ) , he was born form Big Mama a.k.a EVE in MGS3 . in MGS3 its naked snake , not solid snake . the game story actually started from MGS3 . then continues MGS1 , MGS2 , MGS4 .

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