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caballineof, like or pertaining to or suited to a horsecabaswoman's work basket or handbagcacographybad handwriting or spellingcafarddepression; the bluescagamosisunhappy marriagecairngormyellow-brown quartzcaissonvehicle or chest for holding ammunitioncaitiffbase; cowardly; despicablecakewalkprancing stage dance with backward tiltcalamancosatin twilled woollen fabriccalamistpiper; one who plays using a reedcalamusquill or reed used as a pencalandoslowing with gradually lowering volumecalashlight low-wheeled carriage with folding topcalathiformcup-shapedcalathusfruit basket carried on the headcalcarfurnace or oven for annealingcalcariferoushaving or bearing spurscalcariformspur-shapedcalceateto shoe

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Q: What are the Cool words starting with c?
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