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I know all 5. There is stardust dragon, red dragon archfiend, ancient fairy dragon, black rose dragon and power tool dragon. Power tool dragon is a machine but it is classed as a dragon in the anime and there is a tin for it aswell.

EDIT: Apparently, you know 4. Power Tool Dragon is the trump card of Leo, who is not a Signer. Also, Power Tool Dragon is recognized as a machine, as pointed out by Luna. She stated that because it is Machine-Type, it is unlikely that it is the fifth Signer Dragon (however, she told Leo that it might be the fifth dragon so as not to crush his hopes). In reality, Black-Winged Dragon is the fifth, and is owned by Crow Hogan, who is the fifth Signer.

new flash leo is signer watch 5d 142 leo dragon dos look like 5th dragon luan did not tell leo that jsutto make him happy if watfch 5d 142 leo beocme the 6th signer power tool amror coems off become lfie steam dragon luna saw it said that dragon form ym dearm abck them that rela 5th draogn ont blakc wing dragon black wing dragon is the 6th not 5th lfie steam was in luan deam nto black wing

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