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Here are the 20 dance moves.Key : D Down, U Up, L Left R Right

1. DDD Down

2. UUUUp

3. LLL Left

4. RRR


5. LDU Sprinkle Dust

6. ULU


7. UUDD Fall


Hello, Goodbye

9. DDUU Back Fall

10. LLRR

Fire Toon

11. RDU Shuffle Hop


Dancing Toon

13. RLRL Very Dizzy

14. UDUD

Rock 'N' Roll

15. LDR Mime Toon


Putt Toon

17. UDDD Fisher Toon

18. DRUL

Tired Toon

19. RULU Running Toon


Victory Dance

Well thats all dance moves. I hope this helps :)

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