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Q: What are some z words for social studies homework?
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Balance of trade, barter, bias, branches of government, bureaucracy and business cycle are social studies words. They begin with the letter b.

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What word in social studies start with the letter A?

Some Social Studies words beginning with A:Abraham LincolnAbsolute AdvantageAbsolute LocationAcid RainAdaptAffirmative ActionAgricultureAltitudeAmendmentAmerican InfluenceAmnestyAnarchyAncient historyApportionmentArbitrationArtifactsAuthority

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Some social studies words that start with the letter p:povertyprice ceilingprofitprogressive taxproperty rightsproperty taxprotectionismpublic service

What is a name in social studies that starts with the letter c?

Some words might be:capitalistcitizencommunistconsumer

What are some social studies words that start with you?

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