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Some words that you can shout that begin with the letter S include:



See you later!


Show me the money!


Sure thing!




See you later!

'Shut up'




"Storm coming, batten down the hatches!"


"Scooby doo, where are you?"

(To a pig :) "Sooooey!"

(To pets or pests:) Shoo, Scat, Stay, Sit, Speak

(You could also call out somebody's name such as:)

Sam! Sierra! Samantha! Skyler! Stuart!


Shi....shi.....shitaki mushrooms!



Save me!



Son of a gun!



So what?


Stop or I'll shoot!

Sufferin' succotash!

Shut up!


Also :

Shazam!, Sesame!, Silence!, Sourpuss!, Streaker!, Scoundrel!, Scum!, Slime Bucket!, Stranger Danger!, See!, Start!, Strike!, Safe!, Sneak!, Snort!, String 'em up!, Shake!, Start your engines!, Slow Down!, Speed Up!, Shark!, Snitch!, Stay in your room!, Sleep on the couch!, Show me your hands!, Stinker!, Steady!, Splash Down!, Seven come Eleven!, Spam!, Slam!, Sham!, Spy!, Silly!, Shame on You!, Show me the money!, Snap out of it!, Study!, Stop the world I want to get off!, Shooting Star!, Stand!, Stand Still!, Sheesh!, Shoosh!, Shush!, Scram!,Shlemiel!, Shiksa!, Shmoe!, Shmuck!, Shnook!, Scoot!, Shout Out!, Sure!, Skunk! Sweet! Score!

A scream :



See you later! Slow Down! Stay! (to your dog)

"Shut up!" Is something which you could shout that begins with the letter "S."

Stop! Shut the door! See it here! So what? Send me an email! Shut up! Save yourself! Save me! Stick 'em up! Stay away from me! Say what? Stick it! Shove it! Show me!

People shout shoot (Basketball), shut up, stop, strike (Baseball) and surprise. They begin with the letter s.

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