Fun, long, dramatic, friendships, learning, alcohol, peer pressure, decisions
revolutionary, high-tech, new
Words that describe a person:jazzyjealousjitteryjollyjovialjoyfuljubilantjumpyjustjuvenile
Some words to describe clothing are:SmartCasualTrendyOld FashionedAgedWornTattyUniformFlimsyLacyWoolyWarmAlluringSilkyDesignerOff-the-Peg/Rail/RackBrightDullColorfulworn out
Some words to describe a friend that start with L are likable, loyal, and lovely.
Nice words starting with the letter a to describe a person:ableadorableagreeableamazingappreciativeartisticastuteathleticattractiveawesome
An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Some words that would describe a graduating high school senior that start with the letter M would be: managing, manly, meaty, messy, mischievous, mysterious, mustached.
Here is a list of words that could describe a school. All schools are different, so some of the words below may not apply.smalllargeeducationalfunboringstudiousformaloverpopulatedunderstaffed
revolutionary, high-tech, new
· scenic · school · soccer · storms
Some words to describe school are:newoldprivatepublicsmalllargearttechnicaldramaelectronicsbusinesslawengineeringevangelicalmagnetcharterparochialelementarymiddlehighboardingmilitarygraduatemedicalon-line
i forgot
Some words that can describe the noun spoon are:silversilver platesilverwarestainlessplasticwoodensoupdessertutensilladleSome words that can describe the verb spoon are:scoopladleallocatedispenseserveembracecaressmake outnecknuzzle
Words that describe nouns are adjectives. Some adjectives to describe the noun brown are:lightdarksepiaauburnredyellowchocolaterussetsiennarust
what are some words that describe that United States History? what are some words that describe that United States History? what are some words you can use to describe the unites states hirtory use the A-Z alphanbet?
Imam Abu Hanifah was the founder of the Sunni Hanafi school of fiqh. Some of the words to describe him are pleasing voice, handsome person, and pleasant appearance.
Some words to describe 'Cut Grass' are: Fresh, nice, and green.
Some words that describe the color black are: Dull, depressing, and dark.