scribble, scribe, describe,
Transcribe Manuscript
something to do with writing
Some words that start with U are:uglyulcerumbrellaumpireuncleunderunguentupurbanurchinurgenturnuseutility
Some words that start with 'tre' are:treacherytreacletreadtreadletreasuretreattreatytreetrektrellistrembletremendoustremortrenchtrendtrepidationtrespass
describe or scribble
The roots "scrib" and "script" both mean "to write" or "written." Words with these roots often relate to writing or recording information in some form.
scribble, scribe, describe,
Transcribe Manuscript
subscribe script
The root word (scrib) means to write
Words that have the root 'scribe' are:ascribecircumscribedescribeinscribeprescribeproscribesubscribesuperscribetranscribe
it mean moving like scribbling
The Latin root word scrib and its variant script both mean "write." These roots are the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words, including scribe, describe, postscript, and manuscript. The root scrib is easily recalled through the word scribe, whose job is "writing," and script, a "written" document.
its a suffix
"Indescribable" is pronounced with 5 syllables: in-de-scrib-a-ble.
scrib..... duhhh