· gentle
Dog Food? Is that what you are looking for?
monstrous, vicious
Sure thing, honey. Some words that fit your criteria are "cat," "dog," "pig," and "cup." Hope that helps, darling.
· deer · doe · dog · donkey · dove · duck · Dalmatian · Doberman Pinscher
Some words that describe a dog starting with the letters U, V, or Z are:uglyunrivaledunrulyunusualupbeatvaliantverbally quietviciousvictoriousvirilevoraciouszanyzealouszippy
They describe the words (nouns).My dog ate some meat.My big black dog ate some rotten meat. Adjectives are big black they describe the noun dog. Rottendescribes the noun meat.
A female dog.
Words that describe a bad dog are: Misbehaved and bad.
Defiant Dependent Dashing Devoted Disobedient Distinctive Dominant
· gentle
The word 'dogs' is a noun. The words that describe nouns are adjectives.Examples of adjectives to describe dogs are:big dogssmall dogsgood dogsnaughty dogspurebred dogstrained dogsfriendly dogsspotted dogsbeautiful dogsnice dogspet dogslovable dogs
There aren't any adverbs for a dog. Dog is a noun, and adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.Adjectives describe nouns. Cute, cuddly, boisterous, and furry are some adjectives that describe a dog.
Mountains, plateaus, valleys, and plains are words that describe different types of landforms. Each landform features unique characteristics based on its physical attributes, such as elevation and terrain.
brave, great dog, smart, funny.
rabid, mangy, smelly
In addition to adjectives, articles also describe nouns. The articles are a, an, and the.A predicate is the verb and the words that relate to that verb. The words that describe the verb are adverbs; adjectives and articles describe nouns that are included in a predicate. Examples:A dog ran past us. (the article 'a' describes the dog as any dog; the adverb 'past' describes where the dog ran)The dog ran fast. (the article 'the' describes the dog as a specific dog; the adverb 'fast' describes how the dog ran)An angry dog barked loudly last night. (the article 'an' describes the dog as any dog; the adjective 'angry' describes the mood of the dog) (the complete predicate is 'barked loudly last night'; the adverb 'loudly' describes how the dog barked; the adjective 'last' describes the noun 'night')Another group of words that describe nouns are pronoun determiners. The pronoun determiners are: Possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, their, its.Demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those.Numeral pronouns: some, any, few, many, none, all.Distributive pronouns:each, either, none, neither.