Avoid, broil, choir, groin and spoil are five letter words that contain the letters oi.
moist hoist doing boing going joist ...
words with OI ending in E: * noise * poise * voice * choice * invoice * coinage * coincide, coincidence * moisture, moisturize * noisome (not wholesome, disagreeable, bad smelling)
Broil, choice, coil, poise, point, hoist, toilet, ointment, oink, moist
Some words with the oi sound include boil, coin, and spoil. Words with the oy sound include boy, joy, and toy.
boil foil spoil moist oink toilet soil oil noise point avoid boiler broil coil coin coir droits endpoint
Some words that have the same vowel sound as "oil" include boil, foil, toil, and soil.
Some Gypsy words are used in English such as ... cosh (a piece of wood) kushti (good) wonga (money) chav (towny) - from chavo meaning lad, originally from Sanskrit gaff (place of residence) "Oi mush!" (oi you to a man) - mursh is Romani for young man or lad
moi, toi, soi, quoi, pourquoi, bois, roi, loi, trois, mois, foi, fois, foie, oie, ...
a two syllable word starting with 'oi' is ointment
Avoid, broil, choir, groin and spoil are five letter words that contain the letters oi.
Oi Oi Oi - album - was created on 2007-09-25.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -OI-OI-. That is, seven letter words with 2nd letter O and 3rd letter I and 5th letter O and 6th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are: toitois
Some words with the same vowel sound as "join" are coin, boy, foil, and point.
* oil * oil color painting * oiler (can with long spout that oils machines) * oily (as in "My hair is oily") * ointment