Google "Pokemon Explorers of Darkness Action Replay codes" However I suggest a website call (You can find it if you Google "Pokemon Explorers of Darkness Action Replay codes") Happy cheating! :)
yes you can her is a link where you can make your own wonder mail codes. :)
Here's a code: %4@@ 8MM6 3Q&2 4=#2 5QRS H&=P
You can find the codes for that on or gamespot
You can just go on and you can make wonder mail codes legitly I did it with golden seeds and by primal dialga, I was at lvl 51
If your using the older codes or codes from a diffrent version of the Pokemon games then that's why they don't work.
try using wonder mail codes
you do it in wonder mail which you get at chapter 10
no but i wish there was
there are no wonder mail codes that allows you to instantaniously complete the game
I know how to get codes easy. Go to the Google search box and type in wonder mail generator. You get to pick the reward and the Pokemon that will want to join you after you help them. You can also choose the dungeon and floor.
Here are the Wonder Mail codes for Golden Seeds in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness: 14Q0 1+8S X2&8 T5FP QPMN 01RT
When you turn on your game, on the main menu there's the option to enter wonder mail codes.
technically yes, but you need a mystery part to be able to or this one
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