

Best Answer

Some virtual worlds that you dont have to download is: (your avatar is a panda) ( you can custimize it) (your avatar is a panda) ( you can custumize it) (your avatar is a hamster) ( you can custumize it) ( your avatar is a Baseball) (you can custumize it) ( your avatar is 3d) ( you can custumize it) ( it's very cool) ( your avatar is 2d) ( you can custumize it) ( your avatar is a minster) ( you can custumize it) (your avater is 3d) ( you can custumize it) ( very cool) ( your avatar is 2d) (you can custimize it) ( its cool) ( you avatar is 3d) ( you can custimize it) (its cool)

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Q: What are some virtual worlds you dont have to download?
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What are some virtual worlds for teenagers?

Try, its a free 3D virtual world! No download too!

What are some good virus free virtual worlds? is great! Its a 3D no download free virtual world!!!

What are some virtual worlds that you can kiss in and you can make a warrior and don't have to download?

Animal jam

What are some virtual worlds without download?

weeworld build-a-bearville poptropica ourworlds

What are some good 3D virtual worlds?

The Sims 3 is a good website you can chat and meet new people, but the thing is that you have to download it. also buildabearville, you dont have to download it.many good websites are good

What are some virtual worlds that are free and you don't have to download?

animal jam or you can buy minecraft for £17

What are some no download free virtual worlds only for teens?

Meez,smeet... i forget the rst

Is there any virtual online worlds where you can have virtual sex But I dont want to download so it has to be online and something like a 3d virtual sex world but free and online Thanks?

no you pathetic loser find a hooker some will let you nut for 5 bucks

What are some cool virtual worlds that you dont have to download?

Depends on your definition of "cool". In my experience, "virtual world" games that are browser-based instead of downloaded are pretty lame, but it's a matter of personal preference. Runescape is always an option or

What are some virtual worlds that let you kiss that are free and you don't have to download?

One is Those are just games. Virtual worlds? I am not sure if this is correct, I hear Best I could do sorry.

What are some free online virtual games that you dont have to download for kids?

What virtual world can you go and not have to download Also it is really fun?

some virtual worlds with no big download is woozworld, culbpenguien, small worlds, and FRENZOO! frenzoo is like an online virtual world where u can interact with friends, meet new people and even start a buieness! with NO big DOWNLOAD and u just play it on ur pc!