Compliments that begin with the letter S are: scintillating smart so wonderful splendid stupendous superb sweet
Not sure, so make them up, that's why they're fictional.
Animals, A-Sexual People, Apples, Accorns, Adam, Andrea, and so on.
Grapefruit juice or grape juice are both non alcoholic drinks which start with the letter G and so does guava juice and grenadine syrup Ginger Ale Gatorade Green Tea
1. diva 2. Davis 3. Daniels 4. danes 5. diva queen so there are five soaps that start with the letter d.
Compliments that begin with the letter S are: scintillating smart so wonderful splendid stupendous superb sweet
I dont think so, but there is cyclne Yasi!
vex vie van vow vat vet and so on ...
Here are some words that have to do with school and which begin with the letter V:VocabularyVideoconferencingVertebrateVoiceValedictorianVacationVisualVisualizeVolleyballVirtualVerbalVolunteerVaccineVegetableVessel(There are many more... you study almost everything in school, so most V words would apply in some way.)
There are so many adjectives that describe Singapore and begin with the letter N. Some of them include nice, natural, neat, nascent and national among others.
Not sure, so make them up, that's why they're fictional.
Some Tagalog words that begin with the letter "f" are: Filipino (Filipino), fasa (cheat), futas (explode), and fesat (tired).
The swimming bird that cannot fly and whose name begins with letter P is Penguin. As your question also states 'what are some birds that begin with letter P, so some common such birds are Peacock, Peahen, Peafowl, Pelican, Pheasant,Parakeet and Parrot.
i can not think of any words or numbers to this question so please come back soon
Examples of abstract nouns that begin with the letter M:madnessmagicmementomemorymightmissionmockeryMondaymoodmurdermysterymythSome are: maturitymeaningmeannessmemorymercymotivationmovementmundanity
Some bug/insects that begin with the letter N:Narcissus flyNauplius larvaNerved wing insectNettle weevilNitNomad beeNut leaf blister moth· Nit · No-see-ums (tiny biting flies - they are so tiny that it is hard to see them)