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luck but i suppose that's not the answer your looking for so i would say bring ultra balls and a Pokemon that can put it to sleep right away.

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Q: What are some tips on catching Feebas in Pokemon Diamond?
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What moves can feebas learn on Pokemon diamond?

it can learn toxic ,rest,blizzard and protect. (those are just some) hope i helped

In Pokemon Sapphirewhat are the three Pokemon between Armaldo and Feebas in the Pokedex?

There are no Pokemon in between Armaldo and Feebas my advice- get some glasses

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there are some good stuff in there, TM's and things like that

How do you evolve feebas in Pokemon Ruby?

Feebas needs to have Maxed Beauty. Feed it some berries that will raise its Beauty stat.

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well you have to level up your feebas too! (if it doesn't work you need its beauty raised more but that's when you have to level up again!)

How do you get new Pokemon on Pokemon omega?

some by catching and by trade

How do you get Milotic in Pokemon Pearl?

Simply evolve a Feebas- they can be found in some pools of water inside Mount Coronet. You catch Feebas and it may evolve into Moltic.

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Some of the strongest Pokemon trianers in Pokemon diamond & paerl

What if the trendy saying is trade Pokemon where would feebas be?

Feebas is found only on route 119 on the water on that goes along it. It is only found in one spot in the whole water and changes spot everyday. Try searching every spot until you find it. This might take some time. If you do find it you can catch loads as easy as catching a magikarp.

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some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia some of the Pokemon are different such as diamond has dialga and pearl has palkia

What level does feebas evolve at in emerald?

get some berries that levels up beauty then after you kept giving it to feebas then it will evolve but to make it evolve after giving alot of beauty berries you can either use rare candies or fight wild Pokemon with feebas. ------------------------------------------------------------------- LOL Beauty Berries. Here: tobyunkown ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Where are some Eves in Pokemon Diamond?

Pokemon mansion