Thousands of English words start with the letter b. Less than ten English words end with the letter j. No Scrabble words start with b and end with j.
juggling balls
jade, jalapenos
Joliette is a city in Quebec
There are hundreds of words that start with the letter j. There are less than 10 words in the English language that end with the letter j. There are no words that begin and end with the letter j.
All letters J begin (and end) with the letter J.
Jesus, Jews, Jackals, Jellybeans...
Thousands of English words start with the letter b. Less than ten English words end with the letter j. No Scrabble words start with b and end with j.
· jump
Tangible objects that start with the letter j:jacketjeansjerseyjewelryjackknifejavelinjawbonejellybeanjug
Jiminy Cricket
juggling balls
jet (coal)
janitor Junior Doctor
jade, jalapenos