Yaounde is a city in Cameroon. Yamoussoukro is a city in Cote d'Ivoire.
· Kenya
Small things that start with the letter s:saltsandsawdustscrewseedsleetslugsnailsparkspeckstone
aardvark, ant eater, aardwolf
Arizona Africa Asia Amsterdam
Ibadan is a city in Nigeria. Isna is a city in Egypt.
Yaounde is a city in Cameroon. Yamoussoukro is a city in Cote d'Ivoire.
· Kenya
Anchovies are very salty. They start with the letter a.
Vlei Orchid
· Lagos is a city in Nigeria
Africa, Antarctica, Asia and Australia are some continents. They begin with the letter A.
The city of Durban, South Africa.
Some nouns for things that start with the letter A are:acornanchorankleappleargumentazaleaSome nouns for places that start with the letter A are: AfricaAnnapolisArabian DesertArizonaArctic CircleAustralia
Xerus is a species of squirrel found only in Africa. There is a phylum of bacteria called Xenobacteria.
Some things (nouns) that start with the letter I are:ibisiceicebergice creamicicleicingiconidideaidiomidiotignoranceillusionimaginationimpulseinchincisorindependenceingotinquiryinspirationinventioninvitationionireiridesenceirisiritationironivory