oicu812 gets you skullwraith for 10 gold
thirteen1 Gives you a helmet
dragonkhan8234280 gives you a free sword
first go to battleon go to valencia and go to special codes and type nid2374jn
oicu812 & thirteen1
there are 3 codes oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan87654321
oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan8234280
codes that unlock special items in the game
Thirteen1 and oicu812
There are no codes. You must buy a membership.
one of them is thirteen1
oicu812 thirteen1 dragonkhan8234280
well 1 is oicu812 and thirteen1 but the others can only be used once
one is oicu812 & the other is thirteen1
first go to battleon go to valencia and go to special codes and type nid2374jn
Yes, there is.
one of the codes are oicu812 and thirteen1 .... you can unlock the becketts shop and gives you helm....
this one i am telling you is very very common to know oicu812