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Marzipan, maple sugar candy, muffins, mud pie, marble cake, meringue pie, and anything made by Mars...

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Q: What are some snack foods that begin with M?
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What are some foods that begin with the letter m that people eat in ireland?

Mashed potatoes

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Breakfast foods that begin with the letter m:Marshmallow Alpha-Bits cerealmelonmilkMini-Wheats cerealMueslix cerealmuffin

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Macaroni and cheese is a popular dish in Canada.

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Some colors that begin with M and end with A are magenta and magnolia.

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Macaroni, mahi-mahi, maple syrup, mashed potatoes, mayonnaise, meatballs, meatloaf, milk, muffin and mushrooms are foods that you would eat at a restaurant.

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The great book of M of course. and also the enciclopedia M.

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What is the best snack for a test?

You should not snack during a test, but M&Ms are good!